Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Food Diaries....gotta use 'em to lose 'em!!                                                    

Writing down everything you eat.  What a total pain!  What a total benefit! 

The first couple days of using a food diary are always the toughest.  This is when you will find out if the method of keeping your diary is going to work for you.  Some folks like to list their food choices in their hand held devise, but I've notices that this doesn't always work well.  I'm not really sure seems like a great plan. It could be that it is hard to type out the foods on small devises or that time gets away from people.  Or it could be that when you are about to have a meal, it isn't that much fun to be playing with your cell phone or tablet at the same time.

Whatever the issue, you can try using an app and see how it goes.

Some clients use a website calorie counter.  Again, you need to be able to easily access the website for this to work.  This is definately worth a try if even for all the info you will get from it.  Some websites list calories, keep frequently eaten foods in a list you can select from, and calculate a slew of other informative numbers.  (Total fiber, carbs, protein, etc.)

What seems to work the best, though, is a small notebook.  Small enough to be able to slide into a purse or by the side of the carseat.  Big enough to be able to write in a legible print size!  Every single client of mine who has gone this route has lost weight.  All of my clients have gotten stronger, but to lose weight...this is probably the bomb.

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