Friday, May 16, 2014

The Benefits of YOGA

The benefits of YOGA ...

I frequently receive calls from people interested in trying yoga  and they immediately apologize..
                             "I am NOT flexible...I will probably not be any good at yoga"

This is not their fault and I know it comes from how yoga is depicted in the media.  Many pictures you see in magazines or online have a sculpted male/female in adorable yoga clothes in a crazy and extreme yoga pose...
Pul-lease!  I never teach those poses...most of us wouldn't live through them!  (I'm kidding, of course).  But, truly it is so important that people understand that yoga is so many things and is going to assist you, to help you to become healthier, happier, more flexible, and stronger. 

I would love it if you were already all of those things, but most of "real" folks aren't.

MORE FLEXIBILITY - Yoga can help you become more flexible.  Poses should be slow, controlled and help you gently get into a position that provides for a nice strength to lengthen muscles calmly.  Each participant should always feel safe getting into and out of a pose and each should feel a "good" strength not pain.

GAIN STRENGTH - Some yoga classes contain poses that cause you to build strength in various parts of your body.  A plank will provide for a stronger core, chest and triceps in addition to other muscles.

RELAXED MIND - Yoga is slow and focused on the moment.  When we let go of the past and try not to involve the mind in the future, all we have left is the space and time we are involved in.  That moment is usually peaceful and free of obstacles and frustrations.  Practicing being in that place is very calming.

SLOWER HEART and BREATH RATE - When we focus on our breathing, we can decide to slow it down and allow it to be deeper and more filling.  Breathing in this way will slow the breath and expand the lungs which in turn actually increases lung capacity.

In the next post, we will add more of the benefits of yoga...and please feel free to comment on benefits you have noticed for yourself!


  1. wow... what a great blog, this writter who wrote this article it's realy a great blogger, this article so inspiring me to be a better person


  2. I want to say thanks to you. I have bookmark your site for future updates.Thanks for your post. I’ve been thinking about writing a very comparable post over the last couple of weeks, I’ll probably keep it short and sweet and link to this instead if thats cool. Thanks.

    Balayam Yoga

  3. it was a wonderful chance to visit this kind of site and I am happy to know. thank you so much for giving us a chance to have this opportunity..This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free.

    Utkata Konasana
