Monday, January 14, 2013

Protein Bars, Fiber Bars, Granola Bars...
Which are best??

Many of my clients ask me to recommend nutrition bars they can lean on that are fast, easy and healthy for moments when they are stuck and don't have access to their normal food choices.  Of course, the best situation would be preparation and having pre-cut vegetables, fruit or a salad.

But this is life and it usually doesn't work out that way.

I've spent a good bit of time in the granola bar aisle of grocery stores looking at the nutrition facts of various selections.  It's tough.  Some have a great deal of sugar or fat.  Some read off like a candy bar!

One company, Good Greens, recently sent me a box of their "bars" to test for myself.  I have to say they tasted great.  I loved them and they were quite filling.  I noticed that the Pumpkin Spice flavor contained 190 calories, with 2 grams of saturated fat and 16 grams of sugar.  Not the best I've seen, but on the plus side, the vitamin and mineral content was excellent!  They advertised that the bars contained 100% of my daily fruits and vegetables, 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber (hense the "full" feeling), along with probiotics and antioxidants.

In addition to Pumpkin Spice, I was able to sample a number of other flavors and honestly, they tasted fantastic. 

Check these and other types of bars out for yourself.  Educate yourself by reading those labels and comparing.  Then, go ahead, grab a box and keep them handy for your "OMG...I don't know what to eat and I'm famished!" moments.